Why Blog?

I want to clarify why I have started this blog for anyone who doesn’t understand why I have a web page filled with my daily thoughts and challenges.

I came across a blog about 3 months ago about a woman who lost over 100lbs. Discovering this blog led me to another blog which in turn opened my eyes to the entire network of bloggers.  (I hate the word blogger BTW.) I found reading other peoples stories has inspired and motivated me to make the changes necessary to live a healthier life. Reading these blogs has allowed me to see that no one is an expert. No one is perfect when it comes to loosing weight. People have bad days and amazing days while on this journey. It is okay to make mistakes, it is okay to have unfamiliar emotions. It is amazing to reach goals you set for yourself, and it is discouraging to fail when you are working hard at something.  The point is, that obesity affects everyone in one way or another and to be able to see people just like me going through similar triumphs empowers me to keep going. It allows me to see my dreams are possible, and you will get rewarded for the hard work you put in.

My goal with this blog is to inspire others to make the changes they day dream about on a daily basis. Loose the weight that has been holding you back and start living the life you have imagined. There is no reason you cant. The only person holding you back is you, and I will be living proof that people can change. I will be living proof that you can be overweight for 25yrs and with one positive choice after another you can be a healthy “normal” weight.

This is the picture that slapped me in the face and made me realize I need to do something NOW!
  Feb 2011 the week I moved home from AZ


  1. Hey there. I too started blogging after reading about some awesome weight-loss stories.
    Sadly I still have to find readers...but I am enjoying expressing my thoughts

  2. I really like your blog! Keep up the great work. One day at a time!
