Monday, April 29, 2013

Dam you technology!

Sunday I was determined to do a full three miles. Nothing was going to get in my way. I got to the track and no one was there, I had the track to myself the entire time. I started my app that I use to calculate my distance. I walked in lane 6 and decided I would do tweleve times around in that lane (knowing perfectly well this would be more then three miles.)  I got the urge to run early on in the walk and ultimately completed my first mile in 15 minutes (pretty sure this is my fastest mile yet). I was so pumped up and proud, that I continued to run multiple times throughout mile two. At one point during my walk I had texted my friend a few times when it dawned on me I had not heard my phone beep for mile two. I looked at my phone and the app said I had completed 1.17 miles. BULLSHIT!!! I know for a fact at this point I had gone around lane 6 about nine times which should have been well over two miles. Realizing my texting may have interrupted my app pissed me off so bad. I was keeping track of how many times I went around so I know I completed more then three miles, but not having my tracking device back me up really upset me. I continued on my walk/run and completed lane 6 a total of twelve times in 58 minutes. My legs were sore, my heart was pumping, I was dripping sweat, and I felt amazing. I still can only jog for about 45 seconds at a time but I am okay with that for now. I know if I keep with it my time will increase.

Saturday at the gym I jogged a full minute on the treadmill for the first time. I have jogged for full minutes before but they are rare and it has not been recently.

Anywho before my awesome workout I had cleaned everything imaginable in my home including putting away my winter cloths and taking out some spring things. Remember the picture I found from Vegas? Whelp I found the shirt I was wearing in that pic and decided to do a little comparison photo. I tried to do the same pose I was doing in the original picture haha. I have no idea why I saved this shirt because I know for a fact when I put it away last fall that it was too big for me. I am sure glad I did though because I love comparison photos.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Short Post

I have been walking daily and I have fallen in love with being outside and pushing my legs to work harder. My eating has kind of been all over the place but I am slowly getting back to “normal.”

I am really excited about my 5k next month and I am already researching more 5k’s to participate in. Once this 5K is over in May, I really want to work harder at running longer. The thought of being able to run a 5K in the fall excites the shit out of me!

I don’t really have much to report, things are status quo for me. Working a lot and keeping up with my exercise.
Sorry the post is so short, but I figure something is better then nothing.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Boston/Weigh In

I am so excited/proud for my little 5K coming up next month. I cannot imagine what a dream come true it is for some people to participate in something as amazing as the Boston Marathon.  I live less than an hour from Boston so this event hits very close to home for me.  I have no words for the knot in my stomach I had as soon as I heard about the bombings. What a terrible, terrible thing.

Last week’s weigh in had me up two pounds. I know my eating was not on point, but I did not seriously think two pounds was necessary! In response to the two pound gain I walked for thirty minutes Monday night (yes Monday, I NEVER exercise on Monday) I did one of my more difficult Jillian Videos on Tuesday, I am walking today, tomorrow, and Friday, and I am going to the gym on Saturday. I have also learned my lesson this time and realized how important my eating is. I have two months until my friend’s wedding where my goal is to be down 100lbs. I have two months to loose 20lbs. I realize this may not happen, but if I can be as close to goal as possible I will be a happy girl!

I peeked at the scale this morning and I am down 3lbs. I will work hard, I will not let my eating go off. Point blank period!

My bathroom up date is pretty much done. I only have finishing touches like bath matts and light switches. My entire upstairs is all clean and ready for spring!

Here’s a pic of some of my bathroom, as well as some pix of Boston I took from this past August.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Few Old Gems

Last week (The first official week of Ass Kickin’ April) was a success. I stuck with my planned exercise and it was awesome! Friday I ended up walking 3.45 miles and Sunday I got in 3.01. I really love my walking and I really love this warm weather.

My weigh in Sunday was the same as last week. I am okay with that because as long as I did not gain. I do not have a set goal of how much I would like to loose this month. I want to stick to my work out schedule and see what my body decides to do with itself.

I am already trying to think of what to do for my challenge next month. May Madness? Many as you can May? Hahaha I am just making these up as I go.

I found a few old pix from when I was at my heaviest. The pic in the pink shirt is from when I went to Vegas on Labor Day weekend of 2011. This is the ONLY pic of me in Las Vegas because I was so disgusted and uncomfortable with myself. I only took pictures of the sites.

The other pic is when I came home to surprise my best friend in June 2011. Again I was so ashamed to see anyone this weekend because I knew how gross I looked.
June 2011

Vegas -September 2011
April 2013 vs June 2011


Anyway. I am so glad these are from the past because I am MUCH more comfortable with myself now or days.

Monday, April 1, 2013

March Madness was a success!!!

March Madness was a success!!!

I lost a total of 9lbs in the month of March! The boy lost 10lbs! I was shocked when I saw the scale yesterday morning!  Spring has only just begun and I have started off fabulous!!!

Tomorrow “Ass kickin’ April” starts, and for this month’s personal challenge I have decided I am going to kick my ass with exercising. I am not going to have a goal of X amount of pounds lost. Instead I am having the goal of sticking to my planned  exercise regimen.

-I want to walk/jog three days a week to continue to train for my 5k.

- I want to commit one day to Jillian Michaels.

-I want to commit one day to the gym.

I hate paying for the gym and not using it, (even though it is only 10$ a month.) The weather is so nice out now and I want to take advantage and get outside, so one day a week in the gym will lessen my guilt of not using my membership. Also, I can burn a shit ton of calories on the crazy machine, and I think once of week of crazy machine falls perfectly into Ass Kickin’ April’s challenge.

Saturday after work I hit the track at the local High School. I walked around it 10 times to make 2.5 miles. My app on my phone ended up telling me I actually did 2.8 and I am very pleased with that.  I noticed while on the track how much I have improved over the past year. I can jog for a longer period of time, my body doesn’t start aching as much or as quickly as it used to, and I am really starting to enjoy walking more. I think having this 5K to look forward to has helped me a lot.  Seeing I can do almost 3 miles has me feeling very good about the fact I still have over a month to train!

Hope everyone is having a great Monday!