Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ice skating!

I had Friday off and it was a nice treat. I wanted to workout in the morning but my legs still hurt so bad from my Jillian Michaels workout,  to the point where I was concerned I had really done some damage. I decided to take one more day of rest to let the legs heal up.

In the afternoon the boy and I went ice skating. I have not been since I was maybe 10yrs old? It was fun. I was so nervous I couldn’t believe it. My legs were shaking and it took a good two minutes to get me away from the wall. When I was a kid I skated all the time, I was a pro. I just couldn’t believe what a baby I was being. BUT once I got going it was a blast. The boy played ice hockey growing up so it brought back a lot of memories for him too.  We skated for at least an hour then headed home to be lazy. After the skating I didn’t feel so bad about not working out because I know I burned some calories on the ice rink.

Today after work I plan on hitting the crazy machine and the bike….maybe some elliptical action as well. I have my food planned for tomorrow’s football game and I am not going off track! I refuse!  I feel great this week health wise and I am so sick of re-setting. I want to keep going forward.

Tomorrow is my weigh in and I am confident I will see a good number that I deserve.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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