Thursday, December 13, 2012

Things I have noticed...

Since I have lost weight I have noticed a few things I think differently about and a few things I do differently due to how I now think. I thought I would share some of those things because I want to make sure I am not the only one, or allow a fellow blogger to realize they are not the only one’s who may do some of these things.

 At the gym…

I use to choose the machines way in the back corners where no one would see me because I was embarrassed.
Now I do not care what machine I use and I am proud to be getting fit. I know now it is because I have used those machines that I am able to lose weight.

I use to make sure I wore black shirts to the gym because I was embarrassed when my sweat would be visible.
Now I am dam proud of that sweat and I wear all color shirts to work out in.

I use to not stretch at the gym because I was embarrassed to be bending over or of what people would think of me.

Now I love to stretch and I don’t give a shit what I look like.

I use to not run where people would see me.
Now I don’t care because I know I am getting healthy and doing what I need to do for ME.

In public…

I use to dress in cloths that did not attract attention. Baggy sweatshits, hair thrown up, no make up.
Now I take time to do my hair, I wear cloths that fit properly and I enjoy showing off my hard work. I like to try new styles and I am so much more confident.

If I were offered to sit in a chair that did not look like it would hold me I would refuse and say “I rather stand, I have been sitting all day.”
Now if I want to sit, I plop my fat ass right on down.

I use to not eat at big gatherings because I always felt I would be judged for what I was eating in public.
Now I know I have planned and earned my food consumption for the day and I realize no one really gives a shit what everyone else is eating.  

So basically in a nut shell, I have gained more self-confidence. I realize not everyone who looks in my direction is judging me. I project more confidence and in turn am able to see more positively because of it.

I was able to complete 65 minutes of cardio at the gym this morning and was thinking of all these things…just wanted to share. Happy Thursday everyone!


  1. I've been there!!! Isn't it great to become more confident?

    I'm glad you're proud of your sweat... I wear it like a badge of honor. I've actually posted pictures on facebook where I'm all covered in sweat because I love it. Once a friend was critical and thought I was gross but for the first time I didn't care.... The words of someone else are not going to bring me down or stop me from sharing something that I'm damn proud of!!!

    It sounds like you're doing an awesome job and I love your positive attitude!
