Today is exactly one year that I got the confidence and
inspiration to start my own blog. The thought of putting my success and
failures out there for the world to see was the best motivation I have ever
gained. My idea stemmed from the fact that time is going to pass weather I want
it to or not. I can make the best of it, or do nothing at all. One year has
already passed from when I decided to begin this blog and I am so happy I did.
I find myself pushing harder during workouts just so I can
write about the experience. I find myself reading old posts and reliving
moments, good and bad. I look forward to coming here and informing my followers
of what is going on in my world, and reaching out to all of you who have been
in my shoes for advice. I can only hope my experiences inspire others and prove
that anything you put your mind to is possible. This whole weight loss thing is
just a mind game. Stay positive and everything will fall into place.
I will be starting the carb cycling diet on Monday July 1st
and it seems to be the perfect time. One positive year is finished and another
is about to begin. I appreciate all your support and I look forward to another
exciting year in the online community!
Again: If anyone has any experience with carb cycling and
can give me some feedback I would greatly appreciate it!!!