Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Carb Cycling. Help Please.

I started my couch to 5k training app on Sunday. It was hard! The heat and humidity have been brutal lately. I stuck with it and I ran all 8-10 times it requires me to, for a minute each time. Yesterday after work I hit the gym and completed the app again. Even in an indoor gym with A.C and a huge fan I was DYING. Today I am going to do a Jillian Michaels video in my air conditioned house. I miss that crazy woman. I miss my weights, and I want to switch things up a bit since I don’t have any races coming up.

I did sign up for a virtual 5k through Fat to Finish Line’s face book page that I will be completing while I am on vacation at the beach. But other then that I don’t have anything set in stone. I have races I plan to sign up for in September, and October and possibly August I just haven’t pulled the trigger yet.

I believe I have officially hit a pleateu in my weight loss and I have been toying with the idea to do Chris Powell’s carb cycling. I bought the book last year and read it, but at the time Weight Wactcher’s was working great for me.  I am now committed and willing to do the work it takes to try and give carb cycling a try.


I plan to start Monday July 1st. We just went shopping at my house yesterday so I feel bad wasting so many groceries. Plus, I peeked at the book again last night and it is going to take me about a week to plan and prepare everything I will need.

I leave for a week vacation on July 12th so my goal is to give this carb cycling a try for two weeks. If I hate it I will quit (I have a feeling I will like it though.) If I can get a good system in place hopefully continuing the diet on vacation won’t be too much of a hassle.

If anyone has any helpful information about carb cycling I would greatly appreciate it!

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