Monday, July 9, 2012

Success on the scale!

Success showing on the scale!

I weighed in this morning and literally jumped for joy into the boys arms when I saw that I beat this week’s goal by one pound! All my hard work and sticking to my plans this weekend paid off!

Saturday after work I went to the gym and did 3 miles in 30 minutes on the elliptical. I then completed 20 minutes on the stationary bike set to the cardio program (I have tried a few different programs and this seems to be the most challenging.)
I then hurried home because the boy and I were meeting friends at the movies. The boy was bragging about his buttery pop corn he could not wait to get. We ate a quick dinner of steak tips and veggies. I then popped my own popcorn with nothing but a pinch of garlic salt on it. I snuck it into the theater and ate it while everyone else around me ate buttery greasy pop corn and boxes of sour patch kids and air heads. Thankfully that candy did not tempt me but the boy’s pop corn sure did. I had about 6 kernels of his pop corn and to be honest it was not that good to me. It tasted too buttery to the point where if I had eaten it all I would have gotten sick. We saw Savages and I don’t want to ruin anything for anyone but I wouldn’t go rushing out to see it. It was good but I wish I had seen Ted instead.

Sunday morning I got up around 9am and was excited to try walking/jogging the track and climbing the bleachers. I got right up, ready and headed out! My goal before I left was to complete 1 mile around the track and climb the bleachers at least 5 times.
I completed 1.5 miles around the track, jogging about 4x’s and climbed a set of stairs a total of ten times. I wanted to do the bleachers but these stairs I found were tucked in the back away from people and looked a lot more challenging. I felt good and tired afterward. It took me a little less then an hour to finish everything and I was covered in sweat. I knew exercising like that had done something good for me because something is better then nothing but I did not really feel it until this morning. Man do my Quad’s hurt! They hurt so good though. I love that next day soreness. Love it love it love it!
Sunday morning I had a breakfast quesh that was nearly impossible to measure in terms of calories, so I made sure the rest of my days food was planned. Knowing it was Sunday and people could be stopping by with party food I wanted to make sure everything was planned out and accounted for.
Only one friend ended up stopping by which was kind of a relief because I didn’t have to worry about the junk foods and alcohol all day.
Stepping on the scale this morning and seeing I came in one pound under my goal made it all worth it. I am the lowest recorded weight I have been in over a year. Since May 14th 2012 I have lost a total of 16lbs. I know 16lbs is a small amount but its 16lbs that I worked off. It is16lbs that I hope to never have to see again.

I am going on a week long vacation starting Saturday July 14th and I am so nervous I am going to gain a few pounds. I have plans and goals for the week to help keep me on track I think this post is long enough so I will save the vacation guidelines for another post later this week.

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