Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Heart Rate Monitor!

I finally got a heart rate monitor! I have wanted one because I do not trust the machines at the gym to accurately tell me how many calories I have burned.  I also have no idea how many calories I burn when I do my work out videos, so it is hard to calculate those into My Fitness Pal. I have used the HRM twice now and it is pretty cool. It is very easy to read and understand. It is a little awkward to wear but I suppose I will get used to it.

Yesterday was my weekly weigh in and for some reason I knew it was going to be the same if not over by a pound or two compared to last week’s weigh in. Sure enough I was up one pound from last week.  One pound is one pound but it still pisses me off.  Although I stayed within my calorie allowance and I stuck to my work out routines I ate different things then I usually eat during the week. For instance instead of salads for lunch there were a couple days I had a wrap instead. I weighed it out, and accounted for everything but for some reason I knew it would bite me in the butt! Oh well if switching up what I am eating here and there is going to go against my body losing weight too bad. It is more important to me that I keep things interesting and switch it up a bit. Shit I am only human!  I also incorporated weights into my work outs about 3 times last week so I am wondering if that might have something to do with it as well? Who knows, I had a few changes in last weeks routine maybe it’ll just take some getting used to.

Yesterday was Monday and Mondays suck so it is now Tuesday and I am happy. I am excited to get to the gym and do 45min on the crazy machine. It is challenging and I always want to quit 15min in, but when I am done I feel amazing. My legs and feet are sore but I burn over 200 calories and I all around feel great.

Tomorrow I am thinking a Jillian Michaels DVD and a walk/jog on my favorite little route. It is only 1.3 miles but one of my goals it to jog Ohio Ave without needing a break, so I think it is time to start working on that. Plus the boy did that jog on Sunday and ran Ohio Ave without stopping. So the boy did one of my goals. I can’t let that happen.  I am hearing the humidity will be back in the area starting tomorrow so this could pose a problem but I will reassess in the morning. I am thinking since it is such a short distance I can suck it up for 25 minutes. I will just make sure to drink lots of water at work tomorrow.

That is all for now, nothing too exciting in my world, just trying to stick to my routine and stay on track. So far so good! J

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